Within the Catholic community itself, we have various ethnoreligious sects. The roce ceremony is a pre-wedding ritual associated with the Manglorean and the Goan Catholic Community. The Mangalorean Catholics belong to Karnataka and the Goan Catholics belong to Goa. The mother tongue of both these communities is Konkani, however, their dialect differs. Roce ceremony is one of the most important pre-wedding rituals in the Mangalorean and Goan Catholic Community.
What is the Roce Ceremony?
The literal translation of the word Roce (also spelled as Ros) is juice. The freshly squeezed coconut milk is an integral part of the roce ceremony. This ceremony is equivalent to the Haldi Ceremony in the Hindu community. The ceremony is held a day or two prior to the wedding day.
The ceremony includes anointing by the coconut oil and application
of pure coconut milk followed by a ritual hot water bath. The
ceremony is held separately at the bride’s and groom’s residence.
Significance of the Roce Ceremony
Roce ceremony symbolizes the last
day of bachelorhood and spinsterhood for the bride and groom. It also
signifies a shift or change from single life to married life. The
ceremony also symbolizes washing away the sins and purifying the soul for
marriage. The hot water bath, which follows the anointing, is also a vital part
of the ceremony.
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Stage Decor for Roce Ceremony - Flawsome Felishia |
When is the Roce Ceremony held?
In traditional times, the
ceremony was held the evening prior to the wedding day. However, keeping with
the changing times, these days the ceremony is held as per the convenience of
the family and friends. The ceremony can be held a week prior to the wedding or a few days prior in the afternoon or evening. In certain situations, the ceremony
can be held on the wedding day morning itself, hours before the nuptials.
Where is the Ceremony held?
Roce ceremony is usually held at
the respective bride and groom’s house. In cities, the ceremony is held on the
building terrace, and in villages the courtyard or veranda. Certain families
also choose to have the ceremony in a banquet hall or ground to accommodate
more guests.
The ceremony for the couples is held separately. However, these days, many couples prefer to have the ceremony together at the same venue. Many couples and families have common friends and guests. Having a joint ceremony helps to cut down costs. Though it may take a lot of convincing with old school parents, it surely seems like a good option in the current times.
Why is Coconut used in the Roce Ceremony?
Goa and Karnataka lie on the coastline of the country. As a result, there is an abundance of coconut trees here. Since ages, coconut is an integral part of the lives of all those who live along the coastline. From curries to desserts, it is a part of various local cuisine delicacies. Coconut also became a significant part of various traditional celebrations held within communities living across the coastline, including the Catholic Community.
Roce symbolizes purity, just like the white coconut milk. Coconut comes from nature and use of it in the pre-wedding ceremony shows our dependence on our Creator and Mother Nature. Similarly, in Biblical times, oil was used to anoint the kings and leaders to bless them. Moreover, we are also well aware that oil massage for babies has many benefits for infants. Therefore, oil is symbolically applied to the bride and groom as a sign of blessing and strengthening the marriage.
How is the Roce made?
The process of extracting coconut milk is quite simple. An only odd number of coconuts are used depending on
how much roce is required. This further depends on the number of guests
expected at the function.
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Coconut Milk Extraction Roce Ceremony - Flawsome Felishia |
The internal white portion or
meat of the coconut also commonly known as the coconut kernel is grated into finer
pieces. These grated pieces are then soaked for some time in a little hot water
to release the milk or juice from the kernel. The juice is then squeezed out
from the kernels using a muslin cloth. Most of the time, the coconut milk is
extracted during the ceremony is on.
The scraping of the coconuts is usually done by the elder sisters, sister-in-law, aunts, etc. The important part is that the coconut milk for the roce should be squeezed by hand only. However, if there is a larger quantity of roce required, a mixed can be used.
The oil is usually store-bought
in many families. However, there are still a few households that use homemade
coconut oil.
Traditional Roce Ceremony Setup
In India, wedding preparations are not just limited to the family. The neighbors and relatives also lend a helping hand to the family of the bride or groom. And the same is for the roce ceremony too. Usually, the neighbors help in cleaning and decorating the house, setting up the MATTOV, and preparing the meal.
A MATTOV is a pandal erected in the yard of the house,
out of materials such as areca nut palms, dried woven coconut palm leaves, and
decorated with green 'Inda Talle' - leaves of another type of palm.
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Mattov Roce Ceremony - Flawsome Felishia |
This is very common in Mangalore
and Goa where usually the ceremony is held in the house veranda or backyard. However,
in the cities, people usually call up or hire decorators and caterers for the roce
ceremony events and the relatives and guests directly attend the main event.
The Morning of the Roce Ceremony
With the ceremony of ’roce’, the wedding
celebration really begins. On the day of the ceremony, the family members
offer a morning mass (prayer service in the Catholic Church) to remember and
pay respect to the deceased members of the family and ask their blessings
over the ceremony and bride and groom.
The bride and groom, family members, close relatives, and
neighbors attend the mass. After the mass, the preparations begin in full
swing. Before the Roce ceremony begins, Goans have a special bangle-wearing
ceremony for girls called ‘chuddo’, which consists of a set of fifteen bangles
of green, brown, and yellow colors on each wrist. In Mangaloreans, the chuddo
is put on during the wedding reception part while dressing the bride in the
"Sado (Red Saree)".
Meaning of Vojem
A fun part of the ceremony is something called 'Vojem'. 'Vojem'
means burden. Weddings are an expensive affair. In olden times, it would become
difficult for the families of the bride and groom to bear all the expenses of
the wedding as well as the roce ceremony. Hence, to lend them a helping hand,
the close family members would willingly contribute to the necessary materials
required for the preparation of the feast meals.
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Vojem Offerings - Flawsome Felishia |
Just before 'Roce', the immediate maternal and paternal relatives of the bride or groom would ceremoniously (in a procession accompanied by a brass band,) bring to the 'Mattov' their contribution and offerings called 'Vojem' (their share of the burden). This usually includes meat (live pigs and goats), fruits, grains, and vegetables required for the festivities.
Today, many families try to bear all the expenses themselves
and avoid taking any financial help from their relatives unless it is extremely
necessary. However, to keep this meaningful tradition alive, there is a little
extra fun and zing added to it. These days, the Vojem usually includes jokes,
leg-pulling, fancy dress, mimicry, fun dances, etc.
Welcoming the guests
The head of the family, traditionally dressed in a 'Toddop'
(dhoti), 'Kutaon (Kurta) and 'Shelo' (Shawl), welcomes the guests. The
main hosts of the ceremony, usually the parents, are called Yezman (male host
or the father) and “Yezmani” (female host or the mother). They welcome the
guests with areca-nut, betel leaves, etc., and a pot of water at the
main entrance of the ‘mattov’ (Pendal).
The hosts greet the guests by saying ‘paan-pod udak ailem'
('receive this plate of areca-nut, betel leaves and a pot of
water’). The guests acknowledge the same by responding, ‘Dev Borem
Korum, yezmanya” (May God bless you).
The symbolic cutting of the kuvalo (ash/wax gourd) by the uncles
and extraction of coconut milk by the women also take place during this time.
Traditional Outfits For The Bride And Groom For The Roce Ceremony
The bride and groom get dressed in the traditional outfits for the ceremony. Traditionally, the brides used to wear a skirt and blouse ( called ‘Khirgi bhaju’). The skirts are usually made from their mothers Wedding Saree. However, if that’s not available, it can be stitched with any other fabric.
Some brides prefer draping a saree or wearing other traditional
outfits like lehenga or, churidhaar. Flowers play a vital role in any
traditional celebration. Jasmine flowers are used to adorn the bride's hair. The
leftover flowers are also distributed among other women present for the
The traditional outfit for the groom (voreth or novro) is a
loin cloth called ‘pudvem’ or a half pant or a ‘lungi’. Sometimes, the upper
body may or may not be covered with a half-sleeved singlet. However, these days
many grooms prefer wearing Sherwani’s.
In traditional houses, usually, the groom (at his residence) can
be seen moving in the courtyard, but the bride usually remains inside
her house and will be asked to come out and be seated for the roce
ceremony only when it actually begins. However, with changing times, this
is not followed by most of the families now.
These days, the entourage prefers to wear some theme-based
outfits to make the ceremony more fun. The most common dress codes for roce
ceremony are the Hawaiian, Floral or Print Wear, Complete Traditional Wear,
Movie Based or Favourite Colour based.
Prayer Service
The ceremony begins with a short prayer service. This prayer
service differs from household to household as there is no fixed structure on
how it needs to be done. Usually, if a priest or a religious person is present at the ceremony, they lead the prayer service.
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Prayer Service For Roce Ceremony - Flawsome Felishia |
The most common things included in the prayer service are
- The Angelus
- Prayers for the bride and groom
- Prayers for the family members
- Prayers for the deceased
- Blessings of the coconut milk and oil
- Blessings of the food
- Bible Reading
- A Joyous Hymn
In traditional households, the ceremony may include a complete recitation of the rosary and reflection on the Bible reading along
with the above things. After the prayer service, the bride/groom receives the
blessings from the elders of the house.
The Roce Plates
After the prayer service, the
bride or groom change into some casual outfits and sit for the ceremony. They
usually wear comfortable clothes like a tank top/t-shirt and shorts for the
roce ceremony. The bridesmaids or best men sit on either side of the
bride or groom.
The hostess of the house and the
aunts or sisters of the bride or groom bring in the oil and coconut milk. The
oil is brought in a small bowl whereas the coconut milk is brought in round plates.
These roce plates are also in odd numbers.
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Women Bringing the Roce Plates - Flawsome Felishia |
The women place the bowl and
plate on the table before the groom or bride. The mother usually carries the
oil bowl. The elder sister-in-law, godmother, aunts, etc. are given the honor
to carry the roce plates by the hostess. Unfortunately, keeping up with the ancestral
traditions, widows and spinsters are not given this honor.
The main ceremony begins.
The Roce Application
The family members, beginning with the parents and grandparents
first apply the oil and roce on the bride or groom. Usually, the mother is the
first to apply the roce.
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Roce Application By Mother - Flawsome Felishia |
This is followed by the father, grandparents, siblings,
close relatives, and then guests. In earlier days only the women applied roce to
the bride/groom. The roce is not applied to the bridesmaids or the best men.
The best part of the roce application is something called the “Abhisheka”. Once everyone is done applying the roce on the bride or groom,
the bridesmaids or best men, together, pour the leftover roce on the bride or
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Abhisheka - Roce Ceremony - Flawsome Felishia |
As a joke, many youngsters prefer
breaking eggs, pouring beers, applying shaving cream or toothpaste, curds,
ketchup, etc on the bride or groom along with the roce. However, this is
frowned upon as it is considered wrong.
While this is going on, the women usually sing a traditional
song called ‘Voviyo’. ‘VOVIYOS’ are traditional songs which include limericks
and messages. This wedding song has been passed down from generation to
generation. The song holds deep sentimental value and meaning in the Roce
It is usually an elderly lady who knows the voviyos and the
sequence of them. She leads the song while the rest of the women sing ‘vove’
and then repeat the last verse. In villages, young girls train themselves to lead
in singing the song. However, what I have noticed is this tradition is slowly
dying. Rather than singing it themselves, these days many choose to play the
ready music mp3’s.
I have come across a variety of lyrics. The initial stanza
of the song invokes the blessings of the Almighty on the ceremony and the
soon-to-be-married. The next stanza compares the ceremony set up, décor,
coconut milk to the lives of the bride and groom. This is followed by stanza’s
about the brides or grooms relationship and connection with their parents, grandparents,
siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, and other loved ones.
In Goan Roce Ceremonies, we have Zoti which is similar to Voviyos. Zoti is also sung during the roce ceremony. However, these days, there are special groups hired to sing the Zoti during the ceremony.
The 'Voviyo' reminds the bride/groom of the love and
sacrifices of her/his parents, gives them marriage advice, and also indulges in
some good-humored teasing. The important thing is that this song helps the
bride and groom to reflect on the time they have spent with their family. Many
brides tear up while reminiscing the memories.
You will find the lyrics to the Voviyos anywhere on the
The Ritual Hot Water Bath
Soon after the completion of the roce ceremony, the groom or
bride is taken by the hand and led to the bathroom. One mug of Hot water is poured
on the groom or brides head by the parents, grandparents, and siblings each for
traditional purposes. Certain voviyos are also sung during this time.
While the bride or groom is having their bath and getting
ready, there is some entertainment program organized for the guests. This usually
includes performances, games, or even a jam session.
The Roce Ceremony Feast Meal
Roce ceremony is usually followed by lunch or dinner which
is also called “Rosache Jevon” (Jevon means lunch/dinner). While the bride
or groom is bathing, the caterers get the meal ready to be served. During ancient times in villages, the food would be prepared at home itself with
the help of neighbors and close relatives.
The women of the house would prepare Sāmbhar powder in a
“DAATNE” (a traditional Indian machine used to powder grains) and “KARPO”.
Karpo is a mixture of grated coconut and onions. Onions and grated coconut are
fried, not so finely ground, and dried. This would be later used for fish curry
and vegetables. The food then was simple: Rice, fish curry cooked with coconut
milk, vegetable, and most important of all Warn (Payasam).
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Image Source: Cook Like Cecelia |
These days, it is not convenient for many to prepare a complete meal at home. Hence, caterers are hired for this purpose. There is
also a huge variety of dishes that we get to see these days. The dinner, if its traditional, will be rice, bottle gourd vegetable with mutton or with dried
baby shrimp called ‘galmbo’ and a variety of dry vegetable dishes like
‘tendlim’(girkins) with cashew nuts, chonno sukho (gram), or Khelen sukhen
(banana), and the sweet, ‘vorn’ will be served after the dinner. In
addition to this, pulov, chicken, pork, or mutton is also included in the
meal, depending on the choices of the host.
In villages, all the guests would sit together in a straight
line. The meal would be served to them on a banana leaf. However, with changing
times, we have the meal served in a buffet system. Once the bride or groom and the
entourage have returned, a short grace before the meal is prayed and then the lunch
or dinner is served.
The Concluding of The Roce Ceremony
After the meal, there is usually a custom of blessing the wedding
saree and jewelry for the bride at the groom's residence. For this, all the
married women of the family and even the guests, bless the saado and the jewelry
that will be offered to the bride on the wedding day.
The roce ceremony is concluded with everyone glorifying the
Almighty by singing a Latin song Laudate Dominum.
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Praise the Lord, all nations)
Laudate eum, omnes populi (Praise Him, all people)
Quoniam confirmata est (For He has bestowed)
Super nos misericordia eius, (His mercy upon us)
Et veritas Domini manet in aeternum. (And the truth of the Lord endures forever.)Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. (Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,)
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper. (as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever)
Et in saecula saeculorum. (and for generations of generations.)
With this, the main roce ceremony comes to an end. There is
dance and music played by the DJ after the ceremony for everyone to have some
jolly good time.
According to the traditions, the bride and the groom are not
allowed to sit together or even meet each other after the roce ceremony. As per
ancient sayings, it is considered as bad luck. They are supposed to meet only
at the nuptials. They are not even allowed to leave their house. Superstitiously, this is to protect them from evil spirits. Logically, this is done to protect them from any unfortunate accident.
However, these days, many young couples meet each other
after their roce ceremony to complete some last-minute wedding preparations.
The roce ceremony is a wonderful and meaningful pre-wedding
ritual in the Catholic community. With changing times, the ceremony has
gone through many changes. However, I hope we do not bring in too many changes
and make the ceremony lose its real meaning. I hope as the years pass on, the
future generations keep this tradition alive and follow it.
Have you attended any roce ceremony? How was your
experience? Did I miss out on any important part of the ceremony? Share your views
with me in the comments section.
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Nice post
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteNice post
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteReally informative post about roce ceremony
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteNice blog post :)
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteGood narration. Beautifully documented
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteThank you for the information now I can perform this ceremony in our house full traditionally
ReplyDeleteThank You For Reading :)
DeleteA very helpful post.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Amazing post. Just one question.
ReplyDeleteWanted to know what is the importance of oil.. what is the significance behind putting oil in the ears and on the head?
This is a very good information which I didn't knew.Thanks for the post because it helped me to do my project. And can you help me in any rituals performed in birth of the child and of death rituals
ReplyDeleteAny good emcee for mangalorean roce ceremony ?
ReplyDeleteIf you are based in Mumbai you can check out http://ready2wed.in/ for emcee's and event organizers. If you are based out of Mumbai, local church leaders or church magazines have various ads about event organizers or emcee's.
DeleteSuper information, thanks. Any links for an event manager who will organise the entire program?
ReplyDeleteThanks. If you are based in Mumbai you can check out http://ready2wed.in/ for emcee's and event organisers. If you are based out of Mumbai, local church leaders or church magazines have various ads about event organizers.
DeleteJust been in my brother in law's wedding in Mangalore. His Roce ceremony was hilarious. Nice article.😎👍
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind feedback and experience. Roce ceremonies are surely fun.
DeleteOur son is getting married to a Mangalorean. They have invited us to The Roce ceremony. Is there something as the grooms parents need to do as guests of honor?
ReplyDeleteYou can take some sweets along with you.
DeleteGood information about our traditional Roce.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind feedback.
DeleteI loved reading this! I would love to attend a Roce ceremony someday. Thanks for this detailed and informative post, Felishia, I learnt so many new things through it.
ReplyDeleteI hope that one day you get the opportunity to witness and be a part of this beautiful ceremony. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation!
DeleteThanks Felicia for the write up on Roce ceremony. You have covered it exhaustively and meaningfully. Just want to seek your permission to share the content in one of our acquaintance's roce ceremony as to the relevance of roce ceremony.
ReplyDeleteI'm honored that you would like to share the content with others for their roce ceremony. Please feel free to share it and spread the relevance and beauty of the Roce ceremony.
DeleteThanks for documenting the "roce" ceremony. This is really helpful for the future generations.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind feedback and recognition of the importance of cultural preservation!
DeleteI've attended quite a few and have enjoyed them thoroughly. As an East Indian, I am more familiar with 'Pani'. Thanks for the detailed post.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that you have attended and enjoyed such events! I have few attended Pani ceremonies and that surely is a fun celebration too.
DeleteWow, this blog post beautifully captured the essence of the Roce Ceremony in the Indian Catholic community! As someone who comes from an Indian background, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia reading about these traditional pre-wedding rituals. I especially loved reading about the Voviyo and Zoti songs, which bring a sense of joy and sentimentality to the occasion.
ReplyDeleteHi Fiona, nicely summarized, appreciate your time, however I disagree about you writing that the widows and spinsters are not allowed to carry roce during the ceremony? I guess we all are westernized in Mangalore but still keep this Hindu practice alive? Do you have any idea where did this come from? Church teaching? I am a widow live outside of India and was not allowed to participate in the rituals of roce and wedding ceremony of my nephew in India and I was so disappointed, and heart broken. And the other part is widow can raise children on their own and can't officiate roce and wedding ceremony of her own children? Grow up Mangalorean's!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, Thank you for sharing your experience. I am really sorry to hear what you had to go through. I researched well before writing this blog post and unfortunately, in many households, even with educated people, this ''ritual'' is still followed. This restriction doesn't necessarily stem from church teachings but rather from cultural norms deeply rooted in tradition. And you are correct, it needs to be broken. It's discriminatory and nonsensical. The pictures you see above are from my cousin's wedding and though his mom was a widow, we made sure she participated fully in the celebrations. Even during my very own roce ceremony, I made sure everyone was included (irrespective of their beliefs or status). Some traditional (Closed minded) people did frown up but I just didn't bother. I do believe, this nonsensical tradition will soon be left behind with changing times.
DeleteNice information, similar to the anthem charth ceremony we have among catholics in kerala. Well described and informative . Kudos Felicia. I came across a video about roce ceremony, so wanted to know about and good information about it . Thank you so much . God bless you .
ReplyDeleteHi! I was wondering if you need to bring gifts to a Roce ceremony? I am gonna attend one for the first time in a few days and I don't know whether to bring gifts or not
ReplyDeleteIt is not needed to bring gifts. However, if you wish you can carry with you a bouquet of flowers. Again, not an obligation.
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