My Dream of Becoming a Published Author Came True #BlogchatterAnthology

For as long as I can remember, being a published author has been my ultimate dream. It’s the kind of dream that lights a spark in you and keeps you going, even when you’re not sure how it’s all going to work out. 

Today, I can finally say that this dream has come true, and I couldn’t be more excited to share the journey with you all. Thanks to Blogchatter, I’ve not only made this dream a reality but also learned so much along the way. 

So, how did it all happen? Let me take you on this journey, one that started with a spark of inspiration and ended with me holding a published book in my hands.

The Beginning of the Journey

It all started when Blogchatter announced their #BlogchatterAnthology in the early months of 2024. I wasn’t very familiar with how anthologies worked, but as I browsed their website, I saw the words: “Your chance to be published with Blogchatter and Readomania.” 

Those words were all I needed to see. Suddenly, a little spark ignited within me. Could this be my chance to finally get published?

The excitement was overwhelming, but I had questions. How does an anthology work? What’s the process like? Thankfully, Blogchatter had everything explained in great detail. 

They mentioned that the anthology would be a collection of short stories around a specific theme, and they invited submissions based on their guidelines. If your story was selected, it would be included in a paperback publication. 

A paperback! 

Just the thought of having my name printed in a physical book gave me chills.

Love: The 2024 Anthology Theme

The theme for the 2024 anthology was love—simple, yet so profound. Love is everywhere, from within us to around us. It crosses borders, transcends age and gender, and defies all societal rules. The theme immediately resonated with me. 

Screenshot of Blogchatter's #BlogchatterAnthology 2024 announcement, inviting submissions for love-themed short stories.
Blogchatter Anthology Announcement

I mean, who doesn’t have their own take on love, right? Whether it's romantic love, self-love, love for family, or even love that isn’t traditionally celebrated, the possibilities were endless.

I knew I had to participate. I had a couple of ideas floating in my mind—different concepts of love that felt unique yet universal. But every time I thought of an idea, it felt a bit too… expected. 

I didn’t want to write just another love story. I wanted my story to stand out, to be something different, something memorable. 

A Spark of Inspiration

One day, as I sat in a restaurant, I overheard a group of people talking about a senior man in their locality who had found love again with an old widow. 

One of the people said, "Marne ki umar mein bhi buddhe ko jawani chadi hai"—which roughly translates to "Even at the age of death, the old man is acting like he’s young again." 

I felt a pang of discomfort. Why was it so hard for people to accept love at any age? Why do we, as a society, place limits on who can love and when?

That’s when I knew. I had found my story. I would write about second chances at love—about how love doesn’t come with an expiration date, how it’s never too late to find happiness in another person. 

And so, with that inspiration, I began to write.

The Writing Process

Writing the story was both exhilarating and exhausting. I’d write, edit, delete, and then write some more. It was an endless cycle of revision, where every day brought new ideas and changes. 

I kept reworking the narrative, tweaking the characters, adding layers to their emotions. There were times when I wondered if I’d ever feel completely satisfied with what I had written.

Blogchatter was a tremendous help throughout the process. They provided clear timelines for submissions, hosted seminars on how to write a compelling short story, and even had experts to guide us through the process. 

It wasn’t just about writing a story; it was about crafting a piece of art that would resonate with readers. 

Finally, after what felt like endless revisions, I reached a point where I had to let go. I hit the submit button and told myself that no matter what happened, I would be proud of this accomplishment.

The Waiting Game

After submitting my story, I was filled with anticipation. I constantly checked the Blogchatter WhatsApp group, social media pages, and emails for any news. But the more I checked, the more anxious I felt. 

My excitement turned into nervous energy, and I decided it was time to take a break and focus on other things. I didn’t want to jinx it by telling anyone, not even my family or friends. So, I kept it to myself and waited.

The Announcement

One fine day, as I was casually scrolling through Instagram, I got a notification. I had been tagged in a story by Blogchatter. My heart raced as I clicked on it, and there it was—an announcement listing the winners of the anthology. 

My name was on the list! 

For a moment, I couldn’t believe it. I checked and rechecked, hopping between Instagram, Twitter, and the WhatsApp group to make sure it wasn’t a mistake. But it was true. I was officially one of the winners, and my story was going to be published in a paperback anthology!

I was ecstatic! I did a little celebratory dance right there in my room. The dream that had seemed so distant was now a reality. My story was about to be shared with the world.

The Publishing Process

The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Blogchatter got back to me with suggestions and revisions to refine my story further. Their team was so supportive, offering invaluable guidance on what worked and what didn’t. It wasn’t just about getting the story published; it was about polishing it until it truly shone.

They also organized marketing sessions, which were pure gold. From learning how to promote my story to understanding the intricacies of the publishing world, I gained insights that will stay with me for life. 

The Launch: The Blogchatter Book of Love

On the 28th of September 2024, in Kolkata, Blogchatter launched their anthology titled The Blogchatter Book of Love. When I first saw the cover, I was blown away by how beautiful it was. It was everything I had imagined and more. 

Front cover of 'The Book of Love' anthology featuring short stories about love, published by Blogchatter and Readomania

Unfortunately, due to work schedule, I missed out on attending the event. I am waiting for my physical copy to arrive. Holding this book in my hands is surely going to an indescribable feeling. 

I saw another author share snippets of the book in her instagram live. There it was, my name, printed alongside other talented writers. It was a moment I’ll never forget.

A Dream Come True

I can’t put into words how happy I am to finally be able to say that I am a published author. My short story, a piece of my heart, is now part of The Blogchatter Book of Love, a stunning collection of stories about love in all its forms. 

This book is more than just an anthology; it’s a testament to the power of love, hope, and chances. Each story is a celebration of the many ways love touches lives, and I’m honored to be part of it.

The Power of Community

Writing can often feel like a lonely journey. But being part of the Blogchatter Anthology was the exact opposite. It brought me into a community of like-minded individuals who share the same passion for writing. 

I met so many talented writers, all of whom were incredibly supportive. Blogchatter’s team made the entire publishing and marketing process feel seamless. 

The guidance I received from Blogchatter has given me the confidence to keep going, to write more, and to dream bigger. This journey has been one of growth, and I owe so much of it to the support I found in the writing community.

I’m forever grateful to @blogchatter for providing me with this opportunity to shine. Their unwavering support and guidance have been instrumental in helping me take my writing to the next level.

A huge shoutout to @iamreadomania for bringing this stunning anthology to life! Your expertise and passion for publishing are evident on every page.

What’s Next?

Now that my story is out there, I can’t wait to see where this new path takes me. Being a part of this anthology has inspired me to keep writing, and I already have ideas for my next story. 

Who knows? Maybe this is just the beginning of a long and fulfilling writing career.

For anyone reading this who has dreams of becoming a published author, I want you to know that it’s possible. There will be doubts, challenges, and revisions—but when you finally see your name in print, it will all be worth it.

So, go ahead, chase that dream. You never know where it might take you.

And as for me? I’m just getting started.

Thank you again, @blogchatter and @iamreadomania, for making my publishing dreams a reality!

Get your copy of ‘The Blogchatter Book of Love’ now and let’s celebrate love in all its forms!

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  1. It was so great to read about your journey to be becomng a published author. Here's to many more stories from your pen!

  2. Congratulations. It feels great reading your experience. All the best for more.

  3. Looking forward to reading your story! Waiting for the copy as well.


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